Sustaining Memories
Uniting Communities through the Power of Storytelling and Food

Sustaining Memories

Project Info  

Our latest endeavor is an Erasmus+ KA2 project called “Sustaining Memories” and we have the honor to realize it in partnership with two esteemed French organizations, Le Comptoir des colibris and Léris. Together, we are embarking on a journey to bring people from diverse backgrounds together through the concept of “Human Libraries” and celebrate the theme of food from yesterday to today.

The “Human Library” concept originated in Denmark in 2000, aiming to combat violence, stereotypes, and preconceived ideas by facilitating exchanges between “living books” and their “borrowers.” Over time, the concept has evolved to include a broader audience, inviting people from all walks of life to share their stories and experiences. We aim to adapt this concept in our project, to address social, economic, and cultural divisions in our respective communities.

Why Food?

Food holds a unique power to bring people together, touching on memories, identity and well-being. It represents a multi-dimensional aspect of our lives, encompassing health, pleasure, social bonds, cultural environment, emotions, and psychological well-being. However, as societal changes occur, the memory of traditions is fading and we wish to preserve and celebrate our culinary heritage through storytelling.

We invite you to join us on this transformative journey as we work towards a more united, understanding, and empathetic world, through the simple act of sharing a meal and a story.

Feel free to fill the form here and become a “book” for our unique Living Library on the 25th of May 2024 from 17:30 to 20:30.

Here you can find the link to our facebook event.

We are exchited to announce that our friends from Khora will prepare an authentic vegetarian meal to share!

Admission is free!





Our primary objective is to invite people of all ages and backgrounds, including the elderly, migrants, the homeless, employees, managers, unemployed individuals, and young people, to share their testimonies and memories related to food. Through this exchange, we hope to break down taboos, eliminate social barriers, and create a strong sense of connection between generations and cultures.


The project is structured into three key actions: 

Field Analysis: the partner organizations will conduct in-depth analyses of their respective territories to better understand local social issues and collect data. The research aims to provide partner organizations with tools to collect and analyze data effectively and gain a deeper understanding of their respective territories.

Training and Methodological Framework: Employees and volunteers from participating organizations will receive training in organizing living libraries and develop a methodological framework for its implementation in their territories. This way they will acquire skills to organize living libraries and can apply this technique in their professional practices.

Living Library Performances: The heart of the project involves organizing living library events in the partner structures’ territories. These events will feature diverse participants, including vulnerable individuals, newcomers and locals, sharing their stories and experiences related to food.


Collaborating with foreign partners allows us to share knowledge, methods and cultural insights. This enriching exchange strengthens our project and fosters intercultural skills among our team. Moreover, the Erasmus+ support enables us to realize this project, spread its impact and create lasting change.

Our project comes at a crucial time when communities face environmental, geopolitical, and societal challenges, leading to increased social distress. Through “Sustaining Memories,” we seek to foster a sense of unity, create bridges between cultures, and empower vulnerable individuals. Food, as a unifying theme, presents an opportunity to celebrate our common cultural heritage and promote social cohesion.


We believe that through storytelling and the power of shared experiences, we can reweave the social fabric that binds our communities together. By preserving and celebrating our culinary traditions, we hope to build a sense of belonging, not only to our local territories but also to the broader national, European and international communities.

CoLab House

Become a “Book” for

Sustaining Memories!

7 + 12 =

Phone number & Email

+30 210 6811141

Opening Hours

M-F: 9:30 am – 6:30pm
S-S: closed


Andrea Papandreou 85-87 
Chalandri, 152 32
Athens, Greece